Which system is right for your home or business?

Each day in 2016 around half a million solar panels were installed worldwide.

Solar power is arguably the cleanest and most reliable form of renewable energy available, and it can be used in several forms to help power your home or business. Solar-powered photovoltaic (PV) panels convert the sun’s rays into electricity by exciting electrons in silicon cells, through the use of the photons of light from the sun. This electricity can then be used to supply renewable energy to your home or business.

There are three types of solar power generating systems:

With a grid-connected solar power system electricity produced is first fed into the house or business for consumption, then any excess electricity is fed into the grid, usually for a small fee which is called a feed-in-tariff.

Grid Solar Power System

With the Hybrid Solar Power System, electricity produced is first fed into the house or business for consumption and excess electricity is fed into the battery bank for storage, for use at a later time. If there is still excess electricity, it can be fed into the grid, usually for a fee called a feed-in-tariff.

Hybrid Solar Power System

With the Off-grid Solar Power System, electricity produced is first fed into the battery from which it passes into the inverter and then to the house. There is no connection with the grid so it is important to correctly size up a system of this kind. These systems can be backed by a generator as well.

Off Grid Solar Power System

Contact Energis today and have a free consultation for your home or business and reduce your carbon emissions whilst making a saving on your electricity bill!

Please call Energis today 1300 782 217
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