The rising energy costs along with the decreasing cost of solar systems make solar a popular option to reduce electricity bills. More than a quarter of Australian households save with Solar. But the real question is how much?

There are a few factors that need to be considered:

The electricity output of your solar installation is the first main factor. Obviously, the bigger the system, the greatest energy generation and savings. The energy generation itself depends on various factors. Read more here.

The illustration below gives you an idea of the average daily production of a solar system depending on its size and location. This is an indicative guide only as it has been calculated in laboratory conditions and does not consider the climatic conditions and shading situation on individual sites.

The electricity produced either power the household or is sent back to the grid. These two factors influence the savings.

Savings also depend on your self-consumption. The more you use electricity at the time of generation, the more you will be saving.

Feed-in tariffs are the rates solar panels owners receive for the electricity sent to the gird. To maximize the savings, you want to consume the electricity produced rather than sending it to the grid. Households with high consumption during daytime take full advantage of their solar energy usage and maximize their savings. However, most of the households don’t use 100% of the energy produced and in this case, higher feed-in tariff means better savings

Read about feed-in tariff here.

Generating your own energy means that you don’t have to worry too much about the increasing electricity costs. The more they increase, the more you save!

Savings depend on your system size, its production and your consumption. On average, yearly savings are approx. the following:

Note: this illustration is an indicative guide only and doesn’t consider all possible parameters.


For further information or if you are considering commercial or residential solar, contact us on 13 782 217 or via email at