There are many common factors that could cause your solar system output to decrease. Things such as clouds, haze, heat, the season and the time of day can all affect the efficiency of your system. However, how do you know what to check to see if your system is running correctly? That’s why the Team at Energis have put together a list of some of the tell-tale signs your solar panels aren’t working properly.

Are your panels dirty?

Generally, solar panels do not need to be regularly cleaned. It is dependant on the weather conditions in your location for example, if it rains then your solar panels will get a clean from mother nature.  However, take a look at your roof and if your panels are visibly covered in bird droppings, leaves/vines, dust/dirt and tree sap, then it may be time to take a hose to your roof (from the ground of course) or get in contact with a panel maintenance company to get them professionally cleaned with the correct safety equipment.

The team at Energis strongly advise against using a ladder and undertaking panel cleaning yourself.

Is there any visible shading?

Another tell-tale sign that your solar panels aren’t working is if there are any trees or obstructions that may cause shading. If one panel is shaded, it may lessen the efficiency of the entire string of panels. However, at Energis, we offer Solar Edge technology that helps optimize panels and can prevent lowering the efficiency of the entire string and only affect the panel that is jeopardised by shading.

Have a look at your inverter – What colour is the light?

Your inverter can shut down for multiple reasons. It may be that the voltage is far too high or low, or there may be issues with the circuit breaker. Typically, an easy way to figure this out is to look at the light on your inverter! If it displays a green light, then your inverter is functioning correctly. If your inverter is displaying a red-light during daylight hours, then there may be a fault with your system, or an event has occurred.

Also, you can gather information about your system from the digital screen or through the online account that is connected to your brand of inverter (if it has one). However, each inverter varies from brand to brand, so it is important to check the operating manual to determine the correct way to identify faults.

Check out your operating manual – Do you need to reset?

Once your system has been installed, most companies (like Energis) will provide you with an operating manual specifying the estimated production/efficiency across the year (monthly yield). This manual will help you compare your current production to that of the estimated production as well as assist you in determining how to reset and turn your system on and off.

Make it easier – get solar monitoring!

A solar monitoring system functions through your PV system’s inverter (or inverters).  They allow you to better understand your PV system’s performance including its solar electricity production, energy consumption, grid exports and imports as well as the battery charge and discharge power. At Energis, we offer a range of brands of inverters that come with a monitoring software setup. Advanced monitoring platforms, such as Solar Edge, offer enhanced PV performance monitoring including instant detection of any faults as well as alerts at the module, string and system level. For more details on solar monitoring platforms see our blog post here!


Remember it is important not to rely on your electricity when trying to determine if your solar panels are working correctly. Your electricity bill will only show you how much energy was produced by the solar system collectively. If your system has a fault, then the grid will step in to provide the power! Also, the majority of us will receive our electricity bills every 3 months, which is quite a long time before realising there could be an issue with your system.


At Energis, we focus on bringing customers top-quality products and services. We only work with the most respected manufacturers and Tier 1 panels and experienced CEC Approved Installers.

With over 10 years in the industry, Energis has demonstrated its commitment to industry best practice and is a CEC Approved Solar Retailer. This ensures the best possible standard of solar PV installation.


If you are considering commercial or residential solar, call Energis on 1300 782 217 or at, one of our solar consultants will talk you through the best option and give you a free quote.