Solar power in winter

It’s cold. It’s rainy. Winter is officially here… With the sun shining on a different angle, more clouds coverage and the days getting shorter, it seems predictable that solar generation […]
Solar inverters explained

When purchasing a solar power system for your home or business, inverters are as important as the panels themselves as they convert the electricity produced by the panels into a […]
Solar incentives: how do they work?

If you are installing a solar power system, you are most likely eligible for government incentives. Australian government incentives are available for both households and businesses. Part of Australia’s Renewable […]
Maintenance tips for your solar panels
Solar panels require very little maintenance but it is important to make sure they are working at optimal performance. The following steps will help you maintain your panels in good […]
Get A FREE Sustainable Energy Audit For Your Business!
How sustainable is your businesses energy consumption? Find out with Energis! Rising electricity prices got you stressed? Have you ever thought about the idea of installing Solar Panels to lower […]
Answer YES to these questions? You should install Solar!
In recent years we have seen Australians seem reluctant to embrace solar power systems. If it weren’t for the generous Federal Government rebates started circa 2004, the continuation of the […]
Take Our Solar Survey!
Attention Energy Users! Our Solar Survey takes less than 2 minutes! We are conducting a quick survey to gather information about what Australian’s actually know about Solar Energy and Solar Power Systems. […]
Why are Solar Panels Beneficial for Homes?
Imagine your home generating 100% renewable and clean energy, reducing carbon emissions and also reducing the cost of your electricity bill at the same time. Imagine your home with sleek […]
#Awesome Autumn Offer with Energis!
Beat the summer rush and benefit from your Solar System during the winter months! As the leaves change colour and fall from the trees, covering the ground in a crisp […]
What are Solar Panels made of?
Most people now know what solar panels are and what they do. Solar panel technology has come a long way and more and more people understand what solar panels are […]