
South Australian’s bite into Solar PV Growth

Rooftop solar panel sales are steadily growing, with 1 in 5 South Australian homes already installed. Over in Melbourne, adoption rates in western suburbs exceed inner city rates by 5 to 1.

Spark Infrastructure has conducted research into the solar growth in the southern states of Australia. According to the study, the level of residential solar sales in South Australia has grown by 19.2% as of June 30. Confirming that almost 1 in 5 homeowners own rooftop solar panels.

The level of infiltration from 17.2% a year earlier, and helped contribute to another 4% fall in electricity volumes from residential customers.

But it isn’t just solar energy that South Australians have taken to. The state also has the largest wind power capacity in Australia. According to the Australian Energy Market Operator, approximately 29% of South Australia’s electricity came from renewable energy sources in 2012.

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