Yes, you’re right, the installation of solar panels in Australia has been a roller-coaster ride for the industry over the past ten years with the goal posts continually moving. So much for the metaphors!
For the first time in the last decade, solar panel installers are experiencing some consolidation in the industry. The Renewable Energy Target appears stable and with it come the Federal Government incentives which have also settled in to a fair and equitable system.
Also the prices of solar panels and inverters have levelled off to an affordable amount enabling most solar system installations to be paid back in less than 5 years. Please call Energis today on 1300 782 217 for a free solar appraisal of your premises.
Let’s look at how to install solar panels. Before a solar system can be installed, there needs to be a careful analysis of energy consumption patterns, roof space, roof aspects (N,S,E W), the roof elevation, shading, location of meter board, sub-boards, etc.. Without this data, the designer will be driving blind.
The solar designer then considers the yearly spread of consumption, summer and winter, the times of the day at which the energy is being consumed and how much is being paid for peak and off-peak energy. The designer is then able to determine the system size required to offset the sunlight hours’ consumption of an ideally situated residence or business. The designer then looks at the site and adjusts his system size to suit the premises. For instance, if the only available roof is facing west at 30o, then the system will lose considerable efficiency, depending on its geographical location. If there’s shading this will also need consideration. Finally, when the optimum system size is determined the designer must perform a ‘virtual plonk’ of the panels on a satellite image of the roof.
The CEC Accredited designer will be able to access software specifically written to facilitate this task. From the data entered, the designer can print out a report showing the virtual plonk together with the exact expected monthly energy output for those premises for each month of the year. This data can then support the salesperson’s presentation and is a mandatory requirement to be presented to the customer at the time of commissioning of the system.
Of course the electrical distribution businesses need to ensure that the new solar systems added to their grid are safe and unlikely to overload their infrastructure. Think of the instance where a solar installation generates enough to offset a manufacturer’s consumption of 500 kWh per day Monday to Saturday. On Sunday the generated energy will have to go somewhere as it’s not being consumed. You cannot turn off the sun, so it goes to the grid. Consequently the distributors have rules to protect their grids and customers may need to make application to connect solar.
To view a list of solar installation pitfalls, click here.
Energis will make all the necessary applications for you. They are experts in the designing and installing of domestic and commercial solar systems. Please call Energis today on 1300 782 217 for a free solar appraisal of your premises.