Solar Energy benefits the reduction of climate & it doesn’t harm the planet
The production of energy through fossil fuels has disastrous consequences on our beautiful planet Earth. This energy source is harmful to our planet, increases greenhouse gas emission in the atmosphere and raises temperatures resulting in climate changes. During the 21st century we have seen a considerable increase in sea levels and the number of storms, droughts and floods.
We obtain fossil fuels from the ground by mining and drilling; both methods cause critical damage and pollution to our atmosphere. Producing this energy has serious negative impacts on our planet, public health, local communities and ecosystems, and the global climate. Fossils fuels are expected to run out by the early 22nd century, meaning it is inevitable that we will be reliant on renewable energy sources sooner or later. The human population should start taking advantage of clean energy before is too late.
We have experienced coal and natural gas producing a large quantity of harmful emissions, but Solar Energy reduces the emission of carbon and greenhouses gasses. Solar energy transforms sunlight into electricity. Additionally, this energy source is more efficient and helps you to reduce your electricity bill. When solar panels are combined with a battery system, energy bills can disappear completely. Any household or business can produce their own clean energy by installing solar panels.

The world is using solar energy to try get a handle on global warming. The number of solar panels installed in Australia has increased substantially over recent years. China is the world’s largest producer of solar energy, and green efforts in Japan has seen an increase in solar panel installation exciting Environmental Activists. In fact, Solar is growing significantly and fastest than ever! Recent studies have shown that solar is growing up to 60% each year worldwide. Solar is the way of the future!
Together we can mitigate climate change! Contact Energis today to discuss Solar Power System options and help fight climate change!