Solar power is the only way to go!
Every day we are seeing lower prices being achieved for solar power and it is becoming a source of energy more affordable than coal and natural gas. New solar energy projects are emerging for developed countries by accelerating their funding to renewable energy.
By 2040 it is estimated that the cost of installing solar panels will drop by 60% and will cost, on average, around four cents per kilowatt per hour. This expected lowered cost will encourage solar panel installations in businesses and homes which are attracted to the reduction in electricity bills, and the capacity of generating their own energy without a necessity of energy retailer companies. Solar will be the new power generator!
Solar power and wind are the largest contributors in this new generation of renewable energy. Because of these lower prices, solar energy has noticed a larger investment growth from 8% in 2011 to over 46% in 2015. This increase has taken a huge demand out of the energy market as solar power is much cheaper than building wind turbines.
Residents in Victoria are already noticing the reduction in their energy bills.
Why wait? Contact Energis now for a free consultation of this future energy source!