Parliament House Solar Panels

Most Australian’s associate Canberra with politicians and excessively large roundabouts, but soon Canberra will also be able to claim number one spot for owning Australia’s biggest solar farm.

The farm will span across 50 hectares of land next to Royalla in Tuggeranong, the southern most town in the ACT. The enormous farm will be made up of 83,000 photovoltaic solar panels, which will be able to produce up to 20 megawatts and hopes to power 4,400 Canberra homes.

Canberra expects a carbon emission reduction of 560,000 tonnes, which will meet the greenhouse gas emission reduction targets that were set by the ACT government.

Sustainable Development Minister Simon Corbell believes there will be little to no impact on the neighbouring households, as concerns were initially raised by residents of the visual impact of the farm.

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