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This isn’t a Hollywood Classic. This is the Future!

A US climate change blog claims that a single-celled amoeba called Naegleria Fowleri, which eats brain tissue, will spread due to global warming.

The USA has only recorded 31 deaths in the past decade but that statistic is likely to rise dramatically if global warming occurs. Found world-wide, typically in warm freshwater lakes, rivers and hot springs, the parasite thrives best at higher temperatures, up to 46 °C.

Infection occurs when the parasite enters the nose during swimming or other water-related activities. Once in the nose, the parasite travels via the olfactory (smelling nerves) and enters the brain. It causes severe inflammation of brain tissue.

Unfortunately for the victim, antibiotic treatment is rarely successful, especially if treatment is delayed. The infection is usually fatal within 10 days.

Recorded cases in the Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia date back to the 70’s. Widespread infection of this parasite can be avoided if global warming can be prevented. So GO SOLAR! Don’t say you weren’t warned.

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