The Victorian government announced it last Sunday (August 19th): a $1.24 billion program will help Victorian households to get affordable solar systems. Until June 2019, 24,000 eligible families will only have to pay 50 per cent of the cost of a solar PV system. Under a re-elected Labour government, a total of 650,000 homeowners will benefit from this scheme over a period of 10 years. Solar hot water systems are also part of the scheme with $1,000 rebate on solar hot water systems offered to 6,000 eligible households.

The rebate will cover up to the value of half of an average 4kW solar panel system (which currently equates to $2,225). It means eligible households will save up to $2,225 on their solar installation while keeping the benefits of Solar credit programs (STCs) and the feed-in tariff!

The Clean energy council welcomed the decision, saying in a release “the Solar Homes Package will also encourage thousands of new jobs in the state, making it a win-win for families and the solar industry.” 5,500 new jobs, according to Daniel Andrews.

Who is eligible?

  • Households with an income of less than $180,000 per annum before tax,
  • Owner-occupiers of a home valued at under $3,000,000,
  • Households with no solar panel system already installed,
  • Households with a solar panel system installed on or after 19 August 2018,
  • Installations completed with Clean Energy Council (CEC) Approved Product and a CEC Accredited Installers with a statement that they have not received a WorkSafe infringement notice in the past three years.

Early adopters of Solar PV who meet all other eligibility criteria and are looking to replace or expand their system are also eligible. By early adopter, understand a solar system that was installed prior to the commencement of the Premium Feed-In Tariff (PFIT) on November 1, 2009. Other than for early adopters, the solar rebate cannot be used to expand an existing solar panel installation.

How to claim it?

Rebates will be provided to householders directly. In the coming months Solar Victoria, the new independent agency established to deliver the program, will develop a streamlined process that will enable installers to distribute the rebate as part of their invoicing. The Clean Energy Council (CEC) will work with Solar Victoria on the specific details.

For now, Solar Victoria published a list of documentation needed to claim a rebate. This includes electronic and paper copies of the following:

Register now to enjoy the government rebate and get half-price solar! Hurry, only 24,000 households this financial year! Register here.

For more information visit Solar Victoria website or contact Energis on 1300 782 217