Discovery of Chlorophyll-f May Mean More Efficient Solar Panels
Chlorophyll isn’t so BORE-ophyll after all. Australian scientists have discovered a new form of chlorophyll aptly named ‘Chlorophyll-f’. Min Chen the team leader and Sydney University biologist says, “Scientists previously […]
Rooftop Solar Growth in South Australia
South Australian’s bite into Solar PV Growth Rooftop solar panel sales are steadily growing, with 1 in 5 South Australian homes already installed. Over in Melbourne, adoption rates in western […]
Logistics Company Saves with Solar
Solar System Success! CDM Logistics, one of Australia’s leading logistics and warehousing companies has installed solar systems to their Melbourne and Sydney transport terminals and are already reaping the benefits. […]
Who Said Solar is Dead?!
No, Really! Who Said Solar is Dead?! With 138 countries around the world with a renewable energy target, solar and renewable energy is far from dead. According to the G-20 […]
Future Predictions Claim Affordable Renewable Energy
The Great Australian Energy Debate. With the 2013 Australian federal election less then 2 weeks away, the Coalition have come out swinging against the Government’s most recent Clean Energy Solution. […]
Global Solar Energy Takeover
What does the future hold for solar energy? Will the world take to a cleaner energy solution? And when is it all going to happen?? These are the types of […]
Canberra Goes Big With Solar Farm
Most Australian’s associate Canberra with politicians and excessively large roundabouts, but soon Canberra will also be able to claim number one spot for owning Australia’s biggest solar farm. The farm […]
Tonga and Australia join forces to create solar energy solutions
Australia has joined a team of three in Tonga’s capital city of Nuku’alofa and the ADB (Asian Development Bank) to produce a solar power system on the outer islands of […]
Solar Energy – Australia is number 1
Australia is believed to be the number 1 country in solar energy according to Warwick Johnston of the And it’s not just Australia’s beating sun that makes us the […]
Australian Solar Panel Revolution
Australia is fast becoming leaders in the solar panel revolution of the future according to the federal Climate Commission. Australia’s vast and largely unutilised landscape combined with the fact that […]